Create a Telegram Mini-App using ThirdWeb SDK

This guide shows how to build a Telegram Mini-App using the ThirdWeb SDK on the Avalanche Fuji Network.


Telegram Mini-Apps are a new way to build and deploy applications and games embedded in the Telegram platform. They are built using ThirdWeb, a platform that allows developers to connect and utilize both external and in-app wallets on the Avalanche network.

Learn more about ThirdWeb.

  • Basic understanding of Solidity and Typescript.
  • Basic understanding of Telegram Bots and the Telegram API.
  • Basic understanding of the Avalanche Fuji Testnet.

Getting started

Create a template from the ThirdWeb Telegram Mini-App Starter Kit by clicking the Use this template button on the top right.

IMPORTANT!! mark "Include all branches", otherwise Github pages deployment will not work.

Clone the new repository & install the dependencies

git clone <new-repo-url>
cd <new repo>
yarn install

Get the clientID from a ThirdWeb account on the ThirdWeb Dashboard

Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the clientID from the previous step:


Run the project in development mode

yarn dev

On git push to the main branch, the project will be automatically deployed to Github Pages.

Follow the section below to link a Telegram Bot to the webapp.

Integrating with Telegram Bots

Create a new Telegram Bot using BotFather

Type /newbot

Choose a name for the bot, e.g. My Avalanche TWA

Choose a username for the bot, e.g. my_avalanche_twa_482765_bot

Take note of the access token, e.g. 5712441624:AAHmiHvwrrju1F3h29rlVOZLRLnv-B8ZZZ

Run yarn configbot then follow the dialogue to link the Telegram bot with the webapp

Points of Interest

Written by


Wed Sep 04 2024


Edit on Github Report Issue