
Native to ERC-20 Token Bridge Overview

Learn how to transfer native Avalanche L1 tokens to the C-Chain as ERC-20 tokens.

ICTT is also capable of bridging native tokens from Avalanche L1s to the C-Chain as ERC-20 tokens. This process involves deploying a NativeTokenHome contract on the Avalanche L1, and a ERC20TokenRemote contract on the C-Chain. The NativeTokenHome contract will be used to bridge the native token to the C-Chain as an ERC-20 token.

This example will cover native to ERC-20 token bridging between myblockchain and the C-Chain, but the process can be adapted to bridge the C-Chain's native asset, AVAX, to any L1 as an ERC-20 token.

What we will do

  1. Deploy a Wrapped Native Token to myblockchain
  2. Deploy the NativeTokenHome contract on myblockchain
  3. Deploy the ERC20TokenRemote contract on the C-Chain
  4. Register ERC20TokenRemote on C-Chain with NativeTokenHome on myblockchain
  5. Perform a transfer of the native token on myblockchain to the C-Chain as an ERC-20 token

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